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This is Michio Nakamura's page.
Michio Nakamura is an associate professor at Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. He received his Doctor's degree (Science) from Kyoto University in 2001. He is carrying out research on the grooming behaviors and cultural behaviors of chimpanzees at Mahale, Tanzania.

Family name: Nakamura
Forenames: Michio
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 24 July 1971
Place of birth: Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Mailing address: Dept. Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502, JAPAN
Forenames: Michio
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 24 July 1971
Place of birth: Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Mailing address: Dept. Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502, JAPAN

1978–1984: Ohe Primary School
1984–1987: Shirakawa Junior High School
1987–1990: Kumamoto High School
1990–1994: Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Awarded the degree of BSc.
1994–1996: Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. Awarded the degree of MSc.
1996–1999: Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2001: Awarded the degree of DSc
1984–1987: Shirakawa Junior High School
1987–1990: Kumamoto High School
1990–1994: Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Awarded the degree of BSc.
1994–1996: Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. Awarded the degree of MSc.
1996–1999: Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2001: Awarded the degree of DSc
Research and Professional Experience
2003: Takashima Prize (Primate Society of Japan)
Membership of Academic Societies
Primate Society of Japan
International Primatological Society
Japan Association for African Studies
The Society for Ecological Anthropology
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Great Ape Section (2013–2016)
International Primatological Society
Japan Association for African Studies
The Society for Ecological Anthropology
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Great Ape Section (2013–2016)
Note: I will send a copy (or a reprint if available) of any publications below on request. Please contact me with e-mail (
Papers in gray color are in Japanese.
- Hosaka K, Nakamura M, Ihobe H, Takahata Y 2024. Seasonal hunting for red colobus monkeys by Mahale chimpanzees. Pan Afr News 29:12–14.
- Hosaka K, Nakamura M, Ihobe H, Takahata Y 2024. Male chimpanzee age affects red colobus monkey hunting success. Pan Afr News 29:15–16.
- Nakamura M 2024. Naming chimpanzees: Not an easy task. Pan Afr News 29:19–20.
- Nakamura M 2024. A lone chimpanzee mother–infant pair was indifferent to frequent leopard call. Pan Afr News 29:2–4.
- Nakamura M 2024. [Introduction to Mahale chimps 41: Linda.] Mahale Chimpun 41:2–3, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2024. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 22 Used as natural food additive—Fan-shaped jelly fungus.] Mahale Chimpun 41:5–6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2024. [Dr. Frans de Waal and Japanese primatology.] Primate Res 40 DOI: 10.2354/psj.40.010, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2023. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 21 White beard from a tree—Lion's mane mushroom?] Mahale Chimpun 40:5–6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2023. ["Words" woven from quantity and from quality.] In: [Discourse on Method Revisited: Epistemology and Methods to Approach Evolution of Human Society.] Kawai K, Takenoshita Y, Omura K (Eds), Kyoto University Academic Press, pp. 142–159, in Japanese.
- DeTroy SE, Hirata S, Nakamura M, Haun DBM, van Leeuwen EJC 2023. Evolution of humanity: English translation of the original essay by Kinji Imanishi. Including commentaries by contemporary scholars. International Journal of Primatology,
- Hosaka K, Nakamura M, Ihobe H, Takahata Y 2023. Long-term changes in age–sex groups of the captors and developmental stages of the prey in the red colobus hunting behavior by the chimpanzees of Mahale, Tanzania. African Study Monographs, 43:28–41.
- Primate Society of Japan (ed) 2023. [The Encyclopedia of Primatology.] Maruzen Shuppan, Tokyo, in Japanese (participated as one of the editors).
- Adachi K, Nakamura M 2023. [History of primatology: Significance of dealing with research history and contents of this chapter.] In: [The Encyclopedia of Primatology.] Primate Society of Japan (ed), Maruzen Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 2–3, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2023. [History of Primate Research in Europe.] In: [The Encyclopedia of Primatology.] Primate Society of Japan (ed), Maruzen Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 44–45, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2023. [Great Apes.] In: [The Encyclopedia of Primatology.] Primate Society of Japan (ed), Maruzen Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 72–75, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Fujita S 2023. [Primate behavior and its rearch history.] In: [The Encyclopedia of Primatology.] Primate Society of Japan (ed), Maruzen Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 366–367, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2023. [Culture and behavioral diversity.] In: [The Encyclopedia of Primatology.] Primate Society of Japan (ed), Maruzen Shuppan pp. 370–371, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2023. On the survival of orphaned chimpanzees: Does a mother's absence constitute an extreme social environment? In: Extremes: The Evolution of Human Sociality. Kawai K (ed). Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, pp.155–177.
- Nakamura M 2022. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 20 Mushroom from seed—A kind of Penicilliopsis??] Mahale Chimpun 39:3–4, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2022. Greetings among female chimpanzees in Mahale, Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology, e23417. Full-text (read-only)
- Nakamura M 2022. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 19 Orange pore fungus—A kind of Favolaschia.] Mahale Chimpun 38:2–3, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2021. [Greetings and group-living among primates.] In: [Encounter and Parting: Interaction Studies on "Greetings"], Kimura D, Hanamura S (eds), Nakanishiya, pp. 57–77, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2021. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 18 Faries with 143 sexes—Fairy inkcap.] Mahale Chimpun 37:3, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2021. A comment to “Archaeology of the Perishable: Ecological Constraints and Cultural Variants in Chimpanzee” by Pascual-Garrido and Almeida-Warren, Curr Anthropol 62: 352–353.
- Nakamura M 2021. [Behaviors and society of nonhuman primates: Relativizing humans.] In: [In Pursuit of Human Nature: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology], Ihara Y, Umezaki M, Yoneda (eds), University of Tokyo Press, pp. 2–20, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2020. Book Review: Chimpanzee Culture Wars: Rethinking Human Nature alongside Japanese, European, and American Cultural Primatologists. Pan Afr News 27: 24–25.
- Nakamura M 2020. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 17 A cramp ball?—Daldinia concentrica] Mahale Chimpun 36: 3–4, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2020. ["Entitlement" in nonhuman animals?] In: [Entitlement of Speech], Sadanobu T (ed), Hituzi-Shobo, pp. 27–52, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2020. [Chimpanzee society being formed by "moving".] In: [Challenge of Ecological Anthropology SESSION 1: Moving and Assembling], Ohtsuka R (ed), Kyoto University Press, pp. 7–34, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2020. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 16 A mushroom like coral— A kind of coral fungi.] Mahale Chimpun 35: 5–6, in Japanese.
- Hosaka K, Nakamura M, Takahata Y 2020. Longitudinal changes in the targets of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) hunts at Mahale Mountains National Park: how and why did they begin to intensively hunt red colobus (Piliocolobus rufomitratus) in the 1980s? Primates 61: 391–401.
- Nakamura M 2020. [On survival of chimpanzee orphans—Is absence of mother the social extremity?] In: [Extremity: The Evolution of Human Sociality], Kawai K(ed), Kyoto University Press, pp. 151–173, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2019. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 15 Warty snowman— A kind of Amanita?] Mahale Chimpun 34: 5, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2019. [A long-term study of chimpanzees.] Kouhou 214:3, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2019. [What are the relationships between carnivores and our ancestors?] Monkey 4(2):46–47, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2019. [Various ways to be "connected"] Kyoto Daigaku Shinbun July 16th, 2019, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2019. International symposium to celebrate 40 years of research on the Taï chimpanzee. Pan Afr News 26: 2–3.
- Nakamura M, Nishie H 2019. A five-year-old chimpanzee ranged alone: Reconsidering independence in ranging. Pan Afr News 26: 4–6.
- Nakamura M 2019. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 14 Mushroom with a spongelike pores— A kind of boletes.]Mahale Chimpun 33: 6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2019. [Between ‘human’ and ‘thing’—A perspecive from ‘animal’ to anthropology.] In: [Anthropology of Things 2], Tokoro I, Kaori K (eds), Kyoto University Press, pp. 259–278, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Matsumoto T, Matsusaka T, Nakazawa N, Nishie H, Sakamaki T, Shimada M, Takahata Y, Yamagami M, Zamma K 2019. Wild chimpanzees deprived a leopard of its kill: Implications for the origin of hominin confrontational scavenging. Journal of Human Evolution, 131: 129–138. DOI:10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.03.011
- Nakamura M 2019. Are animals ”others“ or are there ”others“ to animals? In: Others: The Evolution of Human Sociality, Kawai K (ed). Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, pp. 47–67.
- Nakamura M 2018. Obituary: Prof. Akisato Nishimura (Formerly Known as Akisato Toyoshima): A Pioneer of Chimpanzee Research in Tanzania. Pan Afr News 25:30.
- Nakamura M 2018. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 13 Mushroom from ilombo— A kind of Xylaria.] Mahale Chimpun 32:5, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2018. Nishida, Toshisada. In: The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, Wenda Trevathan (ed). John Wiley and Sons, Inc., DOI: 10.1002/9781118584538.ieba0343.
- Nakamura M 2018. Masturbation with a tool by an infant male chimpanzee. Pan Africa News 25: 2–4.
- Nakamura M 2018. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 12 Supreme nonsuch—Mafumbwi.] Mahale Chimpun 31:6, in Japanese.
- Nishie H, Nakamura M 2018. A newborn infant chimpanzee snatched and cannibalized immediately after birth: Implications for “maternity leave” in wild chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165:194–199. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23327.
- Nakamura M 2017. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 11 A hand grown from the ground?— A kind of Trichoderma mushrooms.] Mahale Chimpun 30:6–7, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Nakazawa N, Nyundo BR, Itoh N 2017. Tongwe names of mammals: Special reference to mammals inhabiting the Kasoje Area, Mahale Mountains, western Tanzania. African Study Monographs, 38(4):221-242. DOI: 10.14989/228149.
- Nakamura M 2017. [Obituary: Mr. Toshimichi Nemoto.] Mahale Chimpun 29:1–2, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2017. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 10 A model of "Hyotantsugi"!?— A kind of earthstar mushrooms.] Mahale Chimpun 29:6–7, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Sakamaki T, Zamma K 2017. What volume of seeds can a chimpanzee carry in its body? Primates 58:13–17.
- Nakamura M 2016. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 9 Small wine-cup— bird’s nest fungi] Mahale Chimpun 28:6, in Japanese.
Nakamura M, Nishie H 2016. An annular solar eclipse at Mahale: Did chimpanzees exhibit any response? Pan Africa News 23:9–13.
Full-text (PDF)
- Nakamura M 2016. [Viewpoint of Japanese Primatology: What does it mean to understand societies other than humans'] Gendai Shisou 44(22):76–90, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2016. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 8 Queen of mushrooms—long net stinkhorn] Mahale Chimpun 27:6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2016. [Demography of a wild chimpanzee group.] News Letter of the Evolutionary Anthropology Committee of the Anthropological Society of Nippon May Issue: 4–6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2016. [Are animals “others” or are there “others” for animals?] In: “Otherness”: Evolution of Human Sociality. Kawai K (ed), Kyoto University Press, pp.43–64, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2016. [Boundary between "human" and "thing": A question from animals.] Field Plus 15:4–5, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2016. [Thinking about half a century of primatology in the year of the monkey.] Kyoto Shimbun 8th January, 2016, in Japanese.
Matsumoto T, Itoh N, Inoue S, Nakamura M 2016. An observation of a severely disabled infant chimpanzee in the wild and her interactions with her mother. Primates 57:3–7.
Full-text (PDF).
- Nakamura M 2015. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 7 A styrofoam ball? Calvatia sp.] Mahale Chimpun 26:11, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K 2015. Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Nakamura M 2015. Introduction. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1–4.
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2015. Overview of the field site: Mahale Mountains and their surroundings. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 7–20.
- Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Takahata Y 2015. Research history. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 21–32.
- Itoh N, Nakamura M 2015. Social system: Features and variations. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 71–81.
- Nakamura M 2015. Demography of the M group. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 82–93.
- Nakamura M 2015. Home range. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 94–105.
- Sakamaki T, Nakamura M 2015. Intergroup relationships. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 128–139.
- Itoh N, Nakamura M 2015. Mahale flora: Its historical background and long-term changes. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 150–173.
- Itoh N, Nakamura M 2015. Diet and feeding behavior. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 227–245.
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2015. Seeds from feces: Implications for seed dispersal and fecal analyses. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 259–273.
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2015. Conspecific killings. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.372–383.
- Hosaka K, Nakamura M 2015. Male–male relationships. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 387–398.
- Itoh N, Nakamura M 2015. Female–female relationships. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 399–409.
- Nakamura M, Hosaka K 2015. Orphans and allomothering. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 421–432.
- Zamma K, Nakamura M 2015. Grooming in chimpanzees: Its hygienic and social aspects. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 472–484.
- Nishie H, Nakamura M 2015. Culture. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 521–532.
- Matsusaka T, Shimada M, Nakamura M 2015. Diversity of play. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 544–555.
- Nakamura M 2015. Current status of tourism. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 657–667.
- Nakamura M 2015. Culture and subsistence ecology of the Tongwe, and their significance in chimpanzee research. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 668–678.
- Hosaka K, Nakamura M 2015. Conservation and the future. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 679–690.
- Itoh N, Zamma K, Matsumoto T, Nishie H, Nakamura M 2015. Appendix II Dietary list. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 717–739.
- Nakamura M 2015. Appendix V List of researchers who visited Mahale. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 751–752.
- Nakamura M 2015. Appendix VI List of abbreviations used for Mahale chimpanzees’ names. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 753–761.
- Nakamura M 2015. Appendix VII Research and conservation funds for Mahale. In: Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. eds. Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 762–765.
- Nakamura M 2015. [Genealogy of Japanese Primatology: 50 Years of People and Chimpanzees.] Chuko-sosho, Tokyo, Japan.
Nakamura M 2015. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 6 Just like a chimpanzee penis? Mutinus sp.] Mahale Chimpun 25:6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K 2015. Mahale 50 book coming soon. Pan Afr News 22:3.
- Nakamura M (photographs by Toshisada Nishida) 2015. Photos from the pioneer period of Mahale. Pan Afr News 22:4–6.
- Nakamura M 2015. [Encountering animals in the forest.] In: Kimura D (ed) [Encountering Animals I: Analysing Encounters], Nakanishiya, pp. 79–81.
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2015. Larger chimpanzee-dispersed seeds are elongated at Mahale, Tanzania: possible consequence of plant-disperser interaction? Journal of Tropical Ecology 31:183–186.
- Nakamura M, Ramadhani A 2014. Hidden risk of arboreality?: An arboreal death of an infant chimpanzee at Mahale. Pan Africa News 21:17–19.
Nakamura M 2014. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 5 "Ear-mushroom"— Jew's-ear.] Mahale Chimpun 24:6, in Japanese.
- Wilson ML, Boesch C, Fruth B, Furuichi T, Gilby IC, Hashimoto C, Hobaiter CL, Hohmann G, Itoh N, Koops K, Lloyd JN, Matsuzawa T, Mitani JC, Mjungu DC, Morgan D, Muller MN, Mundry R, Nakamura M, Pruetz J, Pusey AE, Riedel J, Sanz C, Schel AM, Simmons N, Waller M, Watts DP, White F, Wittig RM, Zuberbühler K. Wrangham RW 2014. Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts. Nature 513:414–417.
Nakamura M 2014. [Change of the knowledge on animals at the Tongwe land: To what extent do people near Mahale know the wild animals?] News Letter of the Society of Ecological Anthropology 20:2–4, in Japanese.
Full text (PDF: link to the Society of Ecological Anthropology)
- McGrew WC, Matsumoto T, Nakamura M, Phillips CA, Stewart FA 2014. Experimental primate archaeology: Detecting stone handling by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Lithic Technology 39:113–121.
- Nakamura M 2014. Discriminating Saba and Landolphia seeds in chimpanzee feces at Mahale. Pan Afr News 21:3–6.
Nakamura M 2014. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 4 Small mushroom with pixie hat— mutuli.] Mahale Chimpun 23:6, in Japanese. Full text
Nakamura M 2014. [Introduction to Mahale chimps 23: Tarnie.] Mahale Chimpun 23:4, in Japanese. Full text
- Hosaka K, Hayaishi S, Nakashima T, Domon Y, Shimizu T, Nakamura M 2014. [Environmental education program and practical development of multimedia teaching materials by cooperation between primary school and university.] The Journal of the Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kamakura Women's University.14:11–21, in Japanese.
Nakamura M, Sakai M 2014. Social touch in apes and dolphins. In: Yamagiwa J, Karczmarski L (eds), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies. Springer, Tokyo, pp. 355–383. Book info
- Nakamura M, Hayaki H, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K 2014. Orphaned male chimpanzees die young even after weaning. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:139–143.
Nakamura M, Nakazawa N 2013. Leopard eat chimpanzees?! Predation pressure on our closest living relatives and its implication for human evolution. Kyoto Universtiy Research Actvities 3:30. Full text (PDF: link to Kyoto University)
Nakamura M 2013. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 3 Mushroom that only one man knew— musuwenswe.] Mahale Chimpun 22:8, in Japanese. Full text
Nakamura M 2013. A juvenile chimpanzee played with a live moth. Pan Afr News 20:22–24. Full text
- Nakamura M 2013. [Infanticide.] In: Fujinaga T (ed),[Newest Dictionary of Psychology]. Heibon-sha, Tokyo, pp. 208–209.
Nakamura M 2013. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 2 Do not forget to dig to tails— busuwale.] Mahale Chimpun 21:6, in Japanese. Full text
- Nakazawa N, Hanamura S, Inoue E, Nakatsukasa M, Nakamura M 2013. A leopard ate a chimpanzee: The first evidence from East Africa. J Hum Evol 65: 334–337.
Nakamura M, Corp N, Fujimoto M, Fujita S, Hanamura S, Hayaki H, Hosaka K, Huffman MA, Inaba A, Inoue E, Itoh N, Kutsukake N, Kiyono-Fuse M, Kooriyama T, Marchant LF, Matsumoto-Oda A, Matsusaka T, McGrew WC, Mitani JC, Nishie H, Norikoshi K, Sakamaki T, Shimada M, Turner LA, Wakibara JV, Zamma K 2013. Ranging behavior of Mahale chimpanzees: a 16 year study. Primates 54: 171–182.
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Hosaka K, Hayaishi S, Nakajima T, Domon Y, Shimizu T, Nakamura M 2013. [Environmental education program and practical development of multimedia teaching materials by cooperation between primary school and university.] The Journal of the Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kamakura Women's University. 13: 23–28, in Japanese.
Nakamura M, Nishida T 2013. Ontogeny of a social custom in wild chimpanzees: Age changes in grooming hand-clasp at Mahale. Am J Primatol 75:186–196.
Full text (Author-created PDF)
Nakamura M, Nishie H 2012. Death of the oldest female at Mahale and some notes about longevity of wild chimpanzees. Pan Afr News 19:19–21.
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Nakamura M 2012. [Mushrooms of Mahale: 1 Huge mushroom— malyeliya.] Mahale Chimpun 20:5, in Japanese. Full text
- Nakamura M 2012. [There is no “magic formula” for field note.] In: Nakagawa N, Tomonaga M, Yamagiwa J (eds), [Future of Japanese Primatology: Potential of Primatology as Human Science.], Information Design Associates Kyoto, pp. 136–137. Book info Amazon
- Nakamura M 2012. [“Drawing” in the chimpanzee field.] FIELD+ 8:14–15, in Japanese.
Nakamura M 2012. Playing with his leg: A case of imaginary social play by an adolescent male chimpanzee at Bossou? Pan Afr News 19:1–3.
Full text (PDF)
Itoh N, Nakamura M, Ihobe H, Uehara S, Zamma K, Pintea L, Seimon A, Nishida T 2012. Long-term changes in the social and natural environments surrounding the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park. In: The Ecological Impact of Long-Term Changes in Africa's Rift Valley. Plumptre AJ (ed). NOVA Science, New York, pp. 249–277. Book info
Itoh N, Nakamura M, Zamma K, Ihobe H, Hosaka K 2012. [From Field Study Site (20): Mahale Mountains National Park (Tanzania).] Jpn J Ecol 62:83–88, in Japanese.
Full text (PDF)
Nakamura M, Nishida T 2012. Long-term field studies of chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. In: Long-Term Field Studies of Primates. Kappeler PM, Watts DP (eds), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 339–356. Book info
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Nakamura M 2011. [Animals in the forest of Mahale.] Ikimono tachi no Tsuzureori. 5:128–132, in Japanese.
Nakamura M 2011. [The last day with Nishida-san.] Pan Afr News, 18(special issue, Japanese edition):9–10, in Japanese.
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Nakamura M 2011. The last day with Nishida-san. Pan Afr News, 18(special issue):10.
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- Nakamura M 2011. [Introduction to Mahale chimps 17: Darwin.] Mahale Chimpun 17:9, in Japanese. Full text
Hayakawa T, Nakashima M, Nakamura M 2011. Immigration of a large number of adolescent female chimpanzees into the Mahale M group. Pan Afr News 18:8–10.
Full text (PDF)
- Nakamura M 2011. Comparison of social behaviors. In: The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba, Matsuzawa T, Humle T, Sugiyama Y (eds), Springer, Tokyo, pp. 251–263. Book info
Plumptre AJ, Rose R, Nangendo G, Williamson EA, Didier K, Hart J, Mulindahabi F, Hicks C, Griffin B, Ogawa H, Nixon S, Pintea L, Vosper A, McClennan M, Amsini F, McNeilage A, Makana JR, Kanamori M, Hernandez A, Piel A, Stewart F, Moore J, Zamma K, Nakamura M, Kamenya S, Idani G, Sakamaki T, Yoshikawa M, Greer D, Tranquilli S, Beyers R, Furuichi T, Hashimoto C, Bennett E 2010. Eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) : status survey and conservation action plan 2010–2020. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN.
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Nakamura M 2010. Poke-type social scratching persists at Mahale. Pan Africa News 17:15–17.
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Nakamura M 2010. [Reply: holism, history and unplainness.] Primate Res 26:205–209, in Japanese.
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Nakamura M 2010. [What does it mean a society to be complex?: Question about relationship between society and individual.] Primate Res 26:131–142, in Japanese with English summary.
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Nakamura M 2010. Ubiquity of culture and possible social inheritance of sociality among wild chimpanzees. In: The Mind of the Chimpanzee: Ecological and Experimental Perspectives, Lonsdorf EV, Ross SR, Matsuzawa T (eds), University of Chicago Press, pp.156–167. Bool info
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Nakamura M 2010. [Interactions with "touch": evolution of sociality viewed from primary interactional symmetry.] Humanities and Sciences 27:8–12, in Japanese.
- Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) 2010. [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, in Japanese.
- Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K 2010. [Introduction.] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, pp. i–ii, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2010. [Interaction studies in primatology: thier originality and posibility.] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, pp. 19–26, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2010. [Expository note: interaction fields that expand and contract.] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, p. 183, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2010. [Expository note: the other way of doing.] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, pp. 252–253, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2010. [Expository note: doing "not-to-do-anything".] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, p. 274, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2010. [Expository note: "joy" created by co-acting.] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, p. 316, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2010. [Expository note: can interaction be "repaired"?] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, pp. 338–339, in Japanese.
- Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K 2010. [Afterword.] In: Kimura D, Nakamura M, Takanashi K (eds) [Border and Connection of Interaction: From Studies on Nonhuman Primates, Humans and Conversation.] Showa-dō, pp. 400–401, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2009. Aesthete in the forest? A female chimpanzee at Mahale collected and carried guineafowl feathers . Pan Africa News 16:17–19. Full text
- Nakamura M 2009. [Ambassador of Japan visited Mahale.] Mahale Chimpun, 14:1, in Japanese.
Nakamura M, Nishida T 2009. Chimpanzee tourism in relation to the viewing regulations at the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Primate Conservation 24: published online.
Full text (PDF)
- Nakamura M 2009. [A forest of chimpanzees.] Shin-Hakken 15:15, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2009. [Chimpanzees: What They Have Told Me without Language.] Chuko-shinsho, Tokyo, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2009. [Culture in nonhuman primates.] Primate Research 24:229–240, in Japanese.
Nakamura M 2009. Interaction studies in Japanese primatology: their scope, uniqueness, and the future. Primates 50(2):142–152.
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Corp N, Hayaki H, Matsusaka T, Fujita S, Hosaka K, Kutsukake N, Nakamura M, Nakamura M, Nishie H, Shimada M, Zamma K, Wallauer W, Nishida T 2009. Prevalence of muzzle-rubbing and hand-rubbing behavior in wild chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Primates 50(2):184–189.
- Nakamura M 2008. [Kansyana at night.] Mahale Chimpun, 12:5–6, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Tashiro Y, Itoh N 2008. [Primatology as studies of sociality: a forward to the feature articles and commentaries.] Primate Research, 24:69–71, in Japanese.
- Tashiro Y, Nakamura M, Itoh N 2008. [Primatology as studies of sociality: afterword to the feature articles and commentaries.] Primate Research, 24:151, in Japanese.
- Nishie H, Nakamrua M, Itoh N 2008. [Free meeting 4: Primatology as studies of sociality: social rank, power, and equality.] Primate Research, 24:159–160, in Japanese.
- Nishida T, Nakamura M, 2008. Long-term research and conservation in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. In: Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Long-term Research, Wrangham RW, Ross E (eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 173-183.
- Kaur T, Singh J, Tong S, Humphrey C, Clevenger D, Tan W, Szekely B, Wang Y, Li Y, Alex Muse E, Kiyono M, Hanamura S, Inoue E, Nakamura M, Huffman MA, Jiang B, Nishida T, 2008. Descriptive epidemiology of fatal respiratory outbreaks and detection of a human-related metapneumovirus in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Mahale Mountains National Park, Western Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology, 70:755–65.
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2008. Hunting with tools by Mahale chimpanzees. Pan Africa News 15:3–6. Full text
- Nakamura M, 2008. [Book review: Alan Weisman "The World Without Us"] Kyodo News, 11th May, in Japanese.
- Hanamura S, Kiyono M, Lukasik-Braum M, Mlengeya M, Nakamura M, Nishida T 2008. Chimpanzee deaths at Mahale caused by a flu-like disease. Primates, 49(1):77–80.
- Nakamura M, Tashiro Y, Itoh N 2007. [Free meeting 6: Primatology as studies of sociality.] Primate Research, 23:133, in Japanese.
- Sakamaki T, Nakamura M 2007. Preliminary survey of unhabituated chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania: Behavioral diversity across neighboring unit-groups and intergroup relationships. In: Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies, The 21st Century COE Program of Kyoto University, pp. 278–280.
- Yamagiwa J, Nakamura M, Nishida T 2007. Ecological and social diversity of African great apes and human evolution. In: Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies, The 21st Century COE Program of Kyoto University, pp. 273–277.
- Sakamaki T, Nakamura M, Nishida T 2007. Evidence of cultural differences in diet between two neighboring unit groups of chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Pan Africa News, 14:3–5. Full text
- Nakamura M, Sakamaki T 2007. [A study of cultural diversity between two adjacent chimpanzee groups at Mahale, Tanzania.] Kyoto University Biodiversity Research of the 21st Century Newsletter 7:27–28, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2007. [Diversity outside genetic inheritance.] In: "Biodiversity Studies", Kyoto University 21COE Program pp. 68-70, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2006. [Primatology and ecological anthropology: does “evolution” link them?] Journal of African Studies 69:81–89, in Japanese.
- Hanamura S, Kiyono M, Nakamura M, Sakamaki T, Itoh N, Zamma K, Kitopeni R, Matumula M, Nishida T 2006. A new code of observation employed at Mahale: prevention against a flue-like disease. Pan Africa News, 13:13–16. Full text
- Nakamura M 2006. ["It" is there while you are unaware: a terror in Kansyana] Mahale Chimpun 8:4–5, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2006. [Obituary: Prof. Kenji Kawanaka] Mahale Chimpun 8:1, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2006. [How a society without language can be described with language?] Humanities and Sciences, 21:27–30, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2006. [The alpha male who do not like to recieve punt grant?] Mahale Chimpun, 7:4, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2006. [Primates and Africa as otherness: Ecological anthropology for a chimpanzee researcher.] Journal of African Studies, 68:77–79, in Japanese.
- Matsusaka T, Nishie H, Shimada M, Kutsukake N, Zamma K, Nakamura M, Nishida T 2006. Tool-use for drinking water by immature chimpanzees of Mahale: prevalence of an unessential behavior. Primates, 47(2):113–122.
Nakamura M, Nishida T 2006. Subtle behavioral variation in wild chimpanzees, with special reference to Imanishi's concept of kaluchua. Primates, 47(1):35–42.
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Nakamura M 2005. [Comments: a delicate relationships among environment, culture, and the physical ability.] Proceedings of 49th Primates Kenkyu-kai, pp. 16–17, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2005. [A new female to the M group.] Mahale Chimpun, 6:3–4, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2005. Notes on the behavior of a newly immigrated female chimpanzee to the Mahale M group. Pan Africa News, 12(2):20–22. Full text
- Nakamura M 2005. Book review: William C. McGrew: The Cultured Chimpanzee: Reflections on Cultural Primatology. Primates, 46(4):291–293.
- Nakamura M 2005. [Trends in wild chimpanzee studies: from journal papers published during 2000–2004.] Primate Research, 21(1):27–46, in Japanese with English summary.
- Nakamura M 2005. [Fortieth anniversary of Mahale research.] Mahale Chimpun, 5:1, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2005. [A poor river at the South of Mahale.] Mahale Chimpun, 5:3-4, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Nishie H, Mwinuka C 2005. Survey of the southern part of the Mahale Mountains. Pan Africa News, 12(1):5–8. Full text
- Nakamura M 2004. Book review: Dorothy M. Fragaszy and Susan Perry (eds): The biology of traditions: models and evidence. Primates, 45(4):279–281.
- Nakamura M 2004. [Primate grooming and the origin of language.] Daikōkai, 52:100–108, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2004. [Long-term study and conservation of chimpanzees at Mahale.] Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan News, 424:10–11, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2004. [In memoriam of Dogura.] Mahale Chimpun, 3:1–2, in Japanese.
Nakai M, Itoh N, Nakamura M, Huffman MA, Nishida T 2004. [Individual identification from skeletal remains: cases of wild chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania.] Primate Research, 20(1):1–9, in Japanese with English summary.
Full text (PDF from J-stage)
- Nakamura M, Nishida T 2004. [Present status of conversation on chimpanzees and their habitat in Mahale.] Primate Research, 20(1):57–61, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2004. [Learning about Africa through primates: Japan Monkey Centre.] Journal of African Studies, Supplement: 52-–53, in Japanese.
Nakamura M, Uehara S 2004. Proximate factors of different types of grooming-hand-clasp in Mahale chimpanzees: implications for chimpanzee social custom. Current Anthropology, 45(1):108–114.
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Nakamura M 2004. [Chimpanzees in the forest of Mahale, Tanzania: How they communicate? Kyoto Minpō, January 4th, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2003. [Questions about chimpanzee culture studies.] Ecosophia, 12:55–61, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2003. [Book review: "Emotional Ape=Man" by K. Sugawara.] Primate Research, 19(2):175–176, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2003. [Grooming at the same time: Sociality and culture viewed from chimpanzee interaction.] In: Nishida M, Kitamura K, Yamagiwa J (eds) Origin and Evolution of Humanity, Showado, Kyoto, pp. 264–292, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M, Ohashi G 2003. Eleven-year old male chimpanzee outranks ex-alpha adult male at Bossou. Pan Africa News, 10(1):9–11. Full text
- Nishida T, Corp N, Hamai M, Hasegawa T, Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M, Hosaka K, Hunt KD, Itoh N, Kawanaka K, Matsumoto-Oda A, Mitani JC, Nakamura M, Norikoshi K, Sakamaki T, Turner L, Uehara S, Zamma K 2003. Demography, female life history and reproductive profiles among the chimpanzees of Mahale. American Journal of Primatology, 59(3):99–121.
Nakamura M 2003. "Gatherings" of social grooming among wild chimpanzees: implications for evolution of sociality. Journal of Human Evolution, 44(1):59–71.
Full text (Author-created PDF)
- Nakamura M 2002. [Grooming as gatherings.] In: Nishida T, Uehara S, Kawanaka K (eds), The Mahale Chimpanzees: Thirty-Seven Years of "Panthropology", Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, pp. 345–367, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2002. Grooming-hand-clasp in Mahale M group chimpanzees: implication for culture in social behaviours. In: Boesch C, Hohmann G, Marchant LF (eds), Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 71–83. Book Info
- Nakamura M, Itoh N 2001. Sharing of wild fruits among male chimpanzees: two cases from Mahale, Tanzania. Pan Africa News, 8(2):28–31. Full text
- Nakamura M 2001. [Book review: “Learning from Animal's ‘Eating’” by T. Nishida.] Primate Research 17(2):85–86, in Japanese
- Nakamura M 2001. [Life at the field: housing.] Monkey, 45:22–25, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2000. International conference on behavioural diversity in chimpanzees and bonobos. Pan Africa News, 7(1):2–4. Full text
- Nakamura M 2000. [Zanzibar red colobus.] Monkey, 44:26–27, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 2000. [Life at the field: food.] Monkey, 44:9–12, in Japanese.
Nakamura M 2000. Is human conversation more efficient than chimpanzee grooming?: comparison of clique sizes. Human Nature, 11(3):281–297.
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Nakamura M, McGrew WC, Marchant LF, Nishida T 2000. Social scratch: another custom in wild chimpanzees? Primates, 41(3):237–248.
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- Nakamura M 1999. [Grooming as communication: from the characteristics of chimpanzee grooming.] Iden 53(1):43–47, in Japanese.
- Nishida T, Kano T, Goodall J, McGrew WC, Nakamura M 1999 Ethogram and ethnography of Mahale Chimpanzees. Anthropological Science 107(2):141–188. Abstract |
Full text (PDF from Journal@rchives)
- Nakamura M, Fukuda F 1999 Chimpanzees to the east of the Mahale Mountains. Pan Africa News 6:5–7. Full text
- Nakamura M, Itoh N, Sakamaki T 1999. [Site report: the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania.] Primate Research 15(2):93–99, in Japanese with English summary.
- Nakamura M 1999. [Maturity of "cultural primatology": from the recent trend of research.] Monkey 43:8–11, in Japanese.
- Nakamura M 1998. The number of grooming partners in chimpanzees: age and sex differences. In: Resources Use Patterns and Social Structure among Chimpanzees, Nishida T (ed), pp. 75–85, Nisshindo, Kyoto.
- Nishida T, Nakamura M 1998. Ethogram for Mahale chimpanzees: a preliminary draft. In: Comparative Study of Behavior of the Genus Pan by Compiling Video Ethogram, Nishida T (ed), pp. 5–38, Nisshindo, Kyoto.
- Nakamura M 1997 First observed case of chimpanzee predation on yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) at the Mahale Mountains National Park. Pan Africa News 4:9–11. Full text
- Nakamura M 1995. [Teasing as a play in wild chimpanzees.] Monkey 39:18–19. in Japanese.
Oral Presentations in English
- Nakamura M 2019. Japanese primatology and the long-term studies of chimpanzees in Mahale. Symposium: 40 Years of Research of the Taï Chimpanzee Project, May 29–31, 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
- Nakamura M 2018. Association and social relationships among female chimpanzees of Mahale. 27th Congress of the International Primatological Society, August 19–25, 2018, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Nakamura M 2015. Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research. The 31st Congress of the Primate Society of Japan, Public Symposium "Human Nature Viewed from the Long-term Field Studies of the Great Apes: Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans." Kyoto, Japan, Jul. 2015.
- Nakamura M 2014. Behavioral diversity among wild chimpanzees. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2014 (IUAES 2014). Chiba, Japan, May 2014.
- Nakamura M 2012. Field studies of chimpanzees and other larger mammals at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Ist International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation (The JSPS Core to Core Program). Manaus, Brazil, Oct. 2012.
- Nakamura M 2012. Lont-term research and conservation of chimpanzees at Mahale: a collective effort over 47 years. International Symposium for Wildlife Studies in Tanzania. Kyoto, Japan, May. 2012.
- Nakamura M 2012. Long-term field studies of chimpanzees at Mahale. International Institute for Advanced Studies Project:Origins of Human Mind. Kyoto, Japan, Apr. 2012.
- Nakamura M 2012. Tool use by Mahale chimpanzees. Primate Archaeology: An Evolutionary Context for the Emergence of Technology. Oxford, UK, Mar. 2012.
- Nishida T, Inaba A, Itoh N, Kooriyama T, Nakamura M, Nishie H, Sakamaki T, Zamma K 2010. How adult male chimpanzees of Mahale acquire the alpha status? International Primatological Society XXIII Congress, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2010.
- Nakamura M, Long-term field studies of chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Long-term Field Studies of Primates, Göttingen, Germany, Dec. 2009.
- Itoh N, Nakamura M, Ihobe H, Nishida T, 2009. Long-term changes in the social and natural environments surrounding the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mts. National Park. Conference on Long Term Changes in Protected Areas of the Albertine Rift, Kampala, Uganda, Jan. 2009.
- Nakamura M, Nishida T, Developmental process of grooming hand-clasp by chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. The XXII Congress of The International Primatological Society, Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 2008.
- Nakamura M, Behavioral differences between neighboring groups of chimpanzees at Mahale. On Human Nature: Symposium of Comparative Cognitive Science, Kyoto, Japan, May. 2008.
- Nakamura M, Rethinking chimpanzee culture: in view of sociality. The Mind of the Chimpanzee: An International Multidisciplinary Conference on Chimpanzee Cognition, Chicago, USA, March 2007.
- Nakamura M, Sakamaki T, Habituating the neighbors: a preliminary report on the Mahale Y group chimpanzees in Western Tanzania. Symposium International Recherche et Conservation des Grands Singes Africains: 30ème Anniversaire du Projet Bossou-Nimba, Conakry, Guinea, November 2006.
- Nakamura M, Idani G, Ogawa H, Nishie H, Mwinuka C, Chimpanzees in the dry habitat: conservation implications for Mahale and Ugalla. The Fifth TAWIRI Annual Scientific Conferfence, Arusha, Tanzania, December 2005.
- Nakamura M, Networks of social grooming among chimpanzees: their dynamism and collective aspects. Ninth International Mammalogical Congress, Sapporo, Japan, August 2005.
- Nakamura M, Networks of social grooming among chimpanzees: description of their dynamism. Kyoto Conference: Delphinids and Primates Social Ecology, Kyoto, Japan, July 2005.
- Nakamura M, Another side of culture: beyond humanlike complexities. An International Symposium: African Great Apes: Evolution, Diversity and Conservation, Kyoto, Japan, March 2004.
- Nakamura M, Behavioral Comparisons between Chimpanzees of Bossou and Mahale. Cooperative Research Workshop of PRI: Scope and Challenges of Bonobo Research, Inuyama, Japan, July 2003.
- Nakamura M, Nishida T, Developmental process of cultural grooming: an active role by the mother? COE International Symposium: Evolution of the Apes and the Origin of the Human Beings, Inuyama, Japan, November 2002.
- Nakamura M, Nishida, T. and Uehara, S. Culture in social behaviors. The XIXth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Beijing, China, August 2002.
- Nakamura M, Grooming-hand-clasp in Mahale M group chimpanzees: comparisons with branch-clasp grooming. Conference on Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Seeon, Germany, June 2000.