Biological basis for Sociality and Culture in Human being; Bio-Cultural and Bio-Social Interactions between Human Population and Ecological Environment in African Tropical Rain Forest; Socio-ecology of Immigration/Resettlement Process in Forest dwelling Bantu Societies in Central African Forests; The Distribution, Origin and Transmission of Fishing Culture in Inland Central Africa and its implication for Expansion History of Bantu people in central Africa
2002.Jan.-Mar. Boumba=Ngoko District, The East Province, Republic of Cameroon, AFRICA
2002.Jul.-Dec. same as above
2003.Dec.-2004.Aug. same as above
The Society for Ecological Anthropology(Japan), Japan Association for African Studies, The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology
Mr. OISHI Takanori
c/o Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies,
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science,
Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
E-mail: takanori + @ +
Tel. +81-75-753-4085 Fax. +81-75-753-4115