Upper left February, 1958. The
Japan Monkey Centre Institute and Museum of Primatology first Africa
anthropoid investigation team.Dr.
Imanishi and Itani were sent. Even acquisition of foreign currency
was a difficult time. The
purpose is meeting the researcher of the pilot survey of a wildness
gorilla, and the overseas primates in equatorial Africa, calling at
research institution, and the data collection to be turned to the
primates zoo construction in the world which is planning establishment
to Inuyama in the future. Destinations were Kenya, Tanganyika,
Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, the Belgian Congo, Congo, Cameroon and
France, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Britain, and
the United States. A term will be than five months by July from February,
1958. It realized only after there was
assistance of Chairman Keizo Shibusawa, Chairman of the board of
directors Tuyoshi Tamura , Motoo Tsuchikawa, and managing director
Miyachi denzaburo. This photograph may be a thing when
leaving Haneda in the evening and stepping on the ground of Bangkok in
the next morning. It was the super consteration of
the India air line, 4 propellers before a jet engine.