最終更新: 2025年2月26日
人類進化論ゼミは、毎週金曜日13時30分より、京都大学理学部2号館315号室 (3階エレベーター前)で行われています:(時間と場所は都合により変更することがありますのでご注意ください)。来聴歓迎。 また、人類進化論ゼミで発表したいという方は、ゼミ係(seminar(a)jinrui.zool.kyoto-u.ac.jp、(a)を@に置き換えてください)までご連絡ください。
2025/02/28(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●築地 夏海(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 28th. February. 2025, 13:30~
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
● Tsukiji Natsumi (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
”Social interaction between Asian elephants and their mahouts: research plan for a preliminary survey"
2025/02/21(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●中村美知夫 准教授(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 21st. February. 2025, 13:30~
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Prof. Michio Nakamura (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
“'Objectivity' and the role of figures in natural sciences"
2025/02/14(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●キム ジャオク(京都大・人類進化論)
「The social selectivity of chimpanzee females with increasing age」
Date: Fri. 14th. February. 2025, 13:30~
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Kim Jaock (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"The social selectivity of chimpanzee females with increasing age."
2025/01/31(金) 人類進化論ゼミ(特論)のご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●中川 尚史 教授(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 31st. January. 2025, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Prof. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Low-cost natal dispersal: two consecutive parallel dispersals to an
all-male group within the home range of a natal group in patas monkeys
at Mole National Park."
2025/01/22(水) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●片岡 直子(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 24th. January. 2025, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Naoko KATAOKA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
"The sociality and development of males before and after emigration from their natal group in Japanese macaques in Yakushima"
2025/01/10(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●清家 多慧(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 10h. January. 2024, 14:40-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Tae SEIKE (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
"Effects of predation on the behavior and social relationship of red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius) in Mahale, Tanzania"
2024/12/20(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●片岡 直子(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 20th. December. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Naoko KATAOKA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
"The sociality and development of males before and after emigration from their natal group in Japanese macaques in Yakushima"
2024/12/13(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●田伏 良幸(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 13th. December. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Yoshiyuki TABUSE (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
”Rest site selection based on sunlight level in Japanese macaques in Yakushima”
2024/12/06(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●Kim Jaock(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 6th. December. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Jaock KIM (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
"The selective social interactions of chimpanzee females with increasing age"
2024/11/29(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●片岡 直子(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 29th. November. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Naoko KATAOKA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Social relationship among young male Japanese macaques"
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