最終更新: 2024年7月17日
人類進化論ゼミは、毎週金曜日13時30分より、京都大学理学部2号館315号室 (3階エレベーター前)で行われています:(時間と場所は都合により変更することがありますのでご注意ください)。来聴歓迎。 また、人類進化論ゼミで発表したいという方は、ゼミ係(seminar(a)jinrui.zool.kyoto-u.ac.jp、(a)を@に置き換えてください)までご連絡ください。
2024/07/19(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●片岡 直子(京都大・人類進化論)
●Kim Jaock(京都大・人類進化論)
"Do wild Yakushima Japanese macaque receive more grooming from the opposite sex if they are preferred more as mating partners? ( Practice presenting master's thesis)"
Date: Fri. 19th. July. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Naoko KATAOKA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Research report: Progress and basic analysis of my study -Social behavior and conflicts in young male Japanese macaques during troop transfer-"
●Jaock KIM (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Do wild Yakushima Japanese macaque receive more grooming from the opposite sex if they are preferred more as mating partners? ( Practice presenting master's thesis)"
2024/07/05(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●吉村 恒熙(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 5th. July. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Koki YOSHIMURA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Development of social behavior in wild red foxes in Notsuke Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan"
2024/06/28(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● Kim Jaock(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 28th. June. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Jaock KIM (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Do individuals who are preferred as mating partner receive more grooming from the opposite sex, in wild Yakushima macaques?"
2024/06/21(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● 野本 繭子(京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 21st. June. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Mayuko NOMOTO (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Activity patterns of forest elephants in anthropogenic environments in Moukalaba area, Gabon"
2024/06/14(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● Kim Jaock (京都大・人類進化論)
"Relationship between mating partner preference and grooming duration in Japanese macaques"
Date: Fri. 14th. June. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Jaock KIM (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Relationship between mating partner preference and grooming duration in Japanese macaques"
2024/06/07(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● 築地 夏海 (京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 7th. June. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Natsumi TSUKIJI (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
“Research plan: Social interaction analysis between Asian elephants and mahouts at the Elephant Conservation Center in Laos”
2024/05/31(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● 山口 飛翔 (京都大・人類進化論)
「一般化線形(混合)モデルとはなにか ー分析を適切に理解し実行するために」
Date: Fri. 31st. May. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
●Tsubasa YAMAGUCHI (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"Generalized linear (mixed) models: a practical guide for understanding and applying the analysis"
2024/05/24(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● 中村 美知夫 准教授 (京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 24th. May. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
● Prof. Michio NAKAMURA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ. )
"On Dominance and Supplanting"
2024/05/17(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
● Kim Jaock (京都大・人類進化論)
"Which females and males are groomed longer by the opposite sex? Relationship between mating partner preferences and grooming duration"
Date: Fri. 17th. May. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
● Jaock KIM (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
"Which females and males are groomed longer by the opposite sex? Relationship between mating partner preferences and grooming duration"
2024/05/10(金) 人類進化論ゼミのご案内|Seminar of Human Evolution Studies
●中川 尚史 教授 (京都大・人類進化論)
Date: Fri. 10th. May. 2024, 13:30-
Place: Room #315, Building #2, Graduate School of Science
● Prof. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
""Culture", which will be appeared in a textbook of "Physical
Anthropology" for freshman"
このページは、人類進化論研究室ゼミ係が管理しています。お問い合わせはseminar(a)jinrui.zool.kyoto-u.ac.jpまで((a)を@に置き換えてくだ さい)